How To Create A Self-Audition Tape That Gets You Your Dream Role


This article shares important tips on how you can can create a winning self-audition-tape that gets you your dream role.

For many producers, content creators, and casting directors, the first step in finding actors for their projects is to review self-taped audition videos. 

They want to sieve the chaff from the grain before inviting actors they feel have a better chance of delivering.

But before we dive deeper let us examine what a self-tape is.

What Is A Self-Audition Tape?

“A self-tape is a pre-recorded audition video that an actor submits to a casting director or audition team.”

Actors film themselves reading select portions of the script (known in the business as “sides”), then edit the footage and send it in electronically. 

Between Physical-in-Person And Self-Tape Audition

Some people find self-tapes more stressful than in-person auditions since they require planning and technical know-how. 

How To Create a Self-Audition Tape That Gets you booked for the role - Actors standing before a Director -

Others prefer the lack of pressure and audition jitters—with self-tapes, you can keep filming until you are happy with the final product.”

Benefits of a Self-Audition Tape

As an actor, a self-taped video enables anyone to participate in the audition process from any location. It allows you to show your range and capacity as an actor before meeting the producer in person.

On the flip side, it gives the producer a chance to find the right cast without bringing everyone together in the same place, saving cost and time for all involved. How do you enhance your chances of getting a role, starting with a self-tape?

Important Points To Note While Creating Your Self-Audition Tape

Below are a few important points to bear in mind before you create your audition tape.

Follow the audtion Instructions

Read the audition script carefully.  A good audition announcement will include information about the roles or characters required. 

The audition instructions may demand that you introduce yourself and provide certain information. It may request that you act out a scene based on a shared script or simply by following directives in the audition.

Whatever the case, before you start filming make sure you read the audition guidelines. In addition, study and understand the character reverenced in your audition script. Know his or her motivation and the tone of the scene before you click record.

Read: 7 Important Points to Include in Every Audition Flyer

Set up your recording space

Find a quiet, well-lit space to film your audition tape. Make sure there is no background noise or distractions that could detract from your performance. Position yourself so that you are well-framed and in focus.

Use a good-quality camera

Use a camera that can shoot high-quality video and audio. A smartphone camera can work, but if possible, use a DSLR or mirrorless camera for the best quality.

Use a tripod

Stabilize your camera with a tripod to ensure the recording is steady and professional-looking.

Use proper lighting

How To Create A Self-Audition Tape that gets you booked for the role. Man with lights in front of green screen.

Make sure your face is well-lit and visible. Filming your self-tape with natural light is a good option. But if this is not possible, consider investing in lighting equipment.

Dress Right

Dress in a way that fits the character and the scene. Avoid busy patterns or distracting clothing.

Practice Your Lines

Practice your lines until you feel confident in your performance. Record yourself a few times to see how you look on screen.

Record And Edit

Start recording your audition tape once you are comfortable with your performance. Do a number of ‘takes’ to ensure that you have enough clips to select from.

Use video editing software to edit your audition tape. Trim out any mistakes or awkward moments, and add titles with your name and contact information.


Follow the instructions provided by the casting director for submitting your audition tape. Make sure to include your name and contact information, and double-check that you have followed all the submission guidelines.

An excellent self-audition tape requires practice, preparation, and attention to detail. With these tips, you can make a high-quality audition tape that showcases your talent and gives you the best chance of landing the role.

Woman recording a self-tape or monologue for audition
Woman recording a self-tape or monologue for audition

Read Also: In search of success in the world of filmmaking:

Share Your self-Audition Tape for More Acting Opportunities

Your self-tape is a resume that spotlights your potential as an actor. You do not have to keep it to yourself. You can share it on social profiles or send it out when there is a request.

However, if you want extra mileage from your self-tape, an excellent place to share it is in your Wakacast profile. You can upload it as part of your Wakacast profile. So producers and casting directors will see your tape and assess your performance immediately. They will reach out to you directly.

Wakacast connects talents and creators in Nollywood and the entertainment sector at large. Want to find acting roles with ease? Wakacast is your starting point. Create your free account now and find acting roles plus other production jobs from the comfort of your home.

Do you have suggestions or tips on how to make a winning self-taped video or monologue? Please do not hesitate to share them.

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